Location 374: Zone Trouble Code For Zones 17 Thru 24 (4+2 Only)
These locations should remain at factory default when Contact I.D is
Location 375: Zone Trouble Code For Zones 25 Thru 32 (4+2 Only)
These locations should remain at factory default when Contact I.D is selected.
Location 376- Programming For AC Power And Low Battery Restore Code
The DL-300E has the ability to report to the base station when the AC power and/or Low battery have been restored. Once
the AC power has been restored to the DL-300E, there will be a delay time before the restore code will be sent to the base
station. The time programmed into location 623 for AC loss delay will also be the restore delay. A low battery restor will be
reported when the battery voltage is restored to normal operating level (above 10.3 volts). Program a "1" into this location to
enable AC power and Low battery restore code.
Location 377: Programming Number Of Expansion Modules
Location 377 is programmed with the number of expansion devices that may be. connected to the DL-300E. A maximum of
seven (7) expansion devices can be connected to the DL-300E, therefore, to connect 2 expansion device to the DL-300E a
"2" must be programmed into this location. When expansion devises are used, the DL-300E will automatically switch to the
Smart Buss mode. Note: expansion devices include; Wireless zone expander, 8 way relay board, 16 way aux board, X10
interface, Printer interface, Telephone control interface, and System event interface. Factory default is "0" no devices
enabled. These locations must remain at factory default when no expansion systems are used.
Location 378: Communicator Code for Expansion Trouble
Location 378 is used to program reporting Trouble communicator code for expander devices (1 thru 7), when Contact I.D is
selected. The Expander Trouble communicator code can be reported when an expansion device dose not respond to the
DL300E after a short period of time. When contact I.D is selected, program a one (1) in this location to enable this report, an
event "333 - Expander Trouble" will be reported. Default for Expander Trouble code is "0" disabled.
Location 379: Phone Number to Report Expansion Trouble Code
Location 379 is used to select the phone number to report Expander Trouble. Program a "1" in this location to report to
phone #1 only. Program a "2" to report to phone #2 only. Program a "3" to report to both phone numbers. If an "8" is
programmed in this location, expander trouble will cause zone 32 to "open", and cause expander trouble to take on the
reporting and alarm characteristics of zone 32.
Location 380-395: Pro-gramming The Zone Types for Zones 17 - 32
Locations 380 through 395 contain a number identifying the characteristics of zones 17 through 32. Location 380
corresponds to zone 17 and location 395 corresponds to zone 32. Each zone 17-32 has been factory defaulted to No. "6"
INSTANT zone type. To program zone characteristics other than the default values, program a number from "1" to "9" based
on the characteristics found in the "Available Zone Types" table on page 13 of this manual.