CET Electric Technology
CT Polarity
Specifies the CT Strip’s Polarity (direction of current flow). The
Diagram in the web page will update accordingly based on the
selection. Please refer to Section
2.4.3 Branch Circuit Wiring
and Sub Meter Assignment
for more information.
------(Not Used)
CT Ratio^
Specifies CT Ratio for each Branch Circuit.
Range: 1* to 400
1-Ø SM Setup
CT Phase
(Voltage Phase)
Specifies the CT Phase (Voltage Phase) for each Branch Circuit.
Please refer to
Note 1
below for more information on how to
configure the SMs for a Delta-connected 3-Ø Branch Circuit.
------ (Not Used)
Phase A
Phase B
Phase C
Phase AB
Phase BC
Phase CA
CT Ratio^
Specifies CT Ratio for each Circuit.
Range: 1* to 400
CT Polarity
Specifies the CT Strip’s Polarity (direction of current flow). The
Diagram in the web page will update accordingly based on the
selection. Please refer to Section
2.4.3 Branch Circuit Wiring
and Sub Meter Assignment
for more information.
------(Not Used)
Specifies the Branch Label for each Branch Circuit.
Up to 20 characters, including
a~z, A~Z, 0~9 and the following
symbols: (space), `, ~, !, @, #,
$, %, ^, &, *, (, ), -, _, +, =, [, ], {, },
\, |, ;, ‘, :, “, ,, ., /, <, > and ?.
Advanced Setup~
Customize which 1-Ø SM would be used for the 2-Ø and 3-Ø SMs
based on the actual wiring. This allows the users to correct any
potential wiring mistake in the field that would cause the mis-
alignment of the standard 2-Ø and 3-Ø SM arrangement.
~Available in Firmware V1.00.06 or later.
^Available in Firmware V1.00.10 or later.
Table 3-13 Branch Setup Description
If the Branch Circuit is a 3-Phase
Load, Phase AB/BC/CA Voltage should be selected as the CT Phase (Voltage Phase)
for each of the 1-Ø SM associated with the 3-Ø SM of the 3-Ø Branch Circuit. In addition, the corresponding 1-Ø and 2-Ø
SMs would be meaningless under a 3-Phase
For example, the following diagram illustrates a 3-Phase Delta-connected Branch Circuit (please refer to Section
4.5 Sub-
to make sure that a 3-Ø SM consists of three 1-Ø SMs):
Figure 3-30 3-Phase Branch Circuit Wiring for a Delta Load
The 2-wattmeter method is the common way for measuring 3-Ø Power for a Delta Load: