CET Electric Technology
Firmware V1.00.10 or later has added the following enhancement:
The Virtual Meter now supports Mains-I and Mains-II as selections.
In addition to
function, the PMC-592 now supports
function for VM. As
illustrated in the following example, SM81 = Mains-I –
Please note that the
calculated value of VM will be set to zero if the result is a negative value.
Figure 4-44 Virtual Meter Example
Each VM provides the following parameters as the aggregated values: kW Total, kWh Total, kvarh Total,
kVAh Total, T1/T2 kWh, T1/T2 kvarh and T1/T2 kVAh. VM energy measurements are separated from the
SM or Mains energy measurements so clearing the energy measurements of any SM or Mains would
not affect the VM energy measurements that consists of that particular SM or Mains.
4.7 Data Logging
4.7.1 SOE Recorder
The PMC-592’s
can store up to 1000 events such as Power-On, Power-Off, Alarms, Relay actions,
Digital Input status changes, Diagnostics and Setup changes in non-volatile memory. Each event includes
a cause, its relevant parameter values and a timestamp in 1ms resolution.
The SOE Log can be viewed from the built-in Web Interface and the optional HMI as well as retrieved
via communications. If there are more than 1000 events, the newest event will replace the oldest event
on a FIFO basis. The SOE Log can also be reset through the Web Interface, optional HMI or via
4.7.2 Max/Min Recorder
The PMC-592 records the Max and Min values for real-time and THD measurements for This Month,
Last Month and Historical. The Max/Min Log is stored in non-volatile memory and will not suffer any
loss in the event of a power failure.
Self-Read Time
allows the user to specify the time and day of the month for the Self-Read operation.
At the specified time in each month, the Max/Min Log of
This Month
is transferred to the Max/Min Log
Last Month
and then reset. The
Self-Read Time
supports two options:
A zero value means that the Self-Read will take place at 00:00 of the first day of each month.
A non-zero value means that the Self-Read will take place at a specific time and day based on the
formula: Self-Read Time = Day * 100 + Hour where 0 ≤ Hour ≤ 23 and 1 ≤ Day ≤ 28. For example,
the value 1512 means that the Self-Read will take place at 12:00pm on the 15
day of each month.
The PMC-592 provides the Max/Min values for the following parameters for This Month, Last Month
and Historical: