Priority 1
panels will always become an active station if required. It will take the
engine control from panels with priority 1, 2 or 3.
Priority 2
panels must ask for engine control. Priority 1 and Priority 2 panels with
engine control must agree to the handover.
Priority 3
panels can never do engine commands.
The following are guidelines for selecting a station priority.
● If this RP is the only remote panel in the installation, then select
Priority 1
● If there are more RP remote panels than this one, then select
Priority 1 or 2
● If this RP remote panel is for monitoring only, then select
Priority 3
Priority 1
Typically highest
priority control station,
like the engine control
Also if one RP in the
network only.
Priority 2
Typically lower priority
control station or
Priority 3
Typically in a possible
public area, or where
commands shall not
be possible.
Take command
Can always take
command from the
current active panel;
no question asked.
If the operator
tries to execute a
command, and the
panel is not the active
station, it will
immediately become
the active station and
execute the command.
Can take command
from active station
panels with priority 1
or 2 after confirmation
at the current active
This priority can never
be an Active Station.
Release command
Will handover
command to any other
priority 1 panel
May handover
command to priority 2
panels, depending
upon Confirmation
Timeout Priority.
Will handover
command to any other
priority 1 panel
May handover
command to priority 2
panels, depending
upon Confirmation
Timeout Priority.
If in command, will
handover command to
priority 1 or 2 panels
This function is used in conjunction with multiple RP remote panels and active station
Example: An RP panel X is currently the active station for an engine.
If an RP panel Y is requesting active station for an engine, and the operator at RP panel X
does not respond to the request within the defined period of time, then it is assumed there is
no operator at RP panel X.
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