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The logical signal has a Logic Statement attached to it which defines the logic signal. The
Logic Statement can consist of up to 20 lines of Boolean algebra.
<line> = <value> <operator> <value>
Each line of the Logic Statement can utilize AND, OR, or NOT operators.
Each Boolean value in the expression can consist of the following
● Any configured discrete signal (e.g. Switch Input #1)
● Any fixed functional output (e.g. In Local Mode)
● Any configured Event or Silent Event (e.g. Event: High Coolant Temp)
In addition, if the Logic Statement has defined any intermediate signals, they can be used in
the expression as well.
The Logic Statement is completed by configuring “Output” as the output type. Whenever a
Logic Statement is completed it can not be modified unless entirely cleared.
4.4 Config Outputs
4.4.1 Common Output Configuration
Any discrete output in the DCU can be configured to one of the following selections.
Select discrete signal…
This selects any configured switch input channel. If selected, the output will follow that switch
input channel.
Select output function...
This selected any builtin output function. If selected, the output will follow that function.
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