The Alarming section configures how the switch channel will generate events.
can either be
Load Reduction
. If any type of event
(Event or Silent Event) was selected under Channel Use, then select the event severity here.
is selected, then the channel is active but no events are created.
Input State
can be configured to
Normally Closed, Event on Open
, or
Normally Open,
Event on Closed
. Normally Open means the contact must close to make the event,
whereas Normally Closed means the contact must open to make the event.
Delay Before Event
is the desired persistence time before the channel activates the event.
Typical values:
Engine Oil Pressure Low: 2 seconds.
Engine Coolant Temp. High: 5-10 seconds.
Requires Running Engine
is configured if the event requires a running engine. Several RPM
setpoints are available.
Requires In Gear
is configured if the event requires the engine to be in gear.
Requires Engine Load
is configured if event shall only be monitored at a certain engine load.
Whenever Requires Engine Load is used,
Engine Load Threshold
is shown. Engine Load
Threshold configures the required load in order for event to be monitored.
Whenever a Requires condition is used, the
Initial Delay
is shown.
Initial Delay
defines the
time before event monitoring starts, once all Requires conditions are fulfilled.
Disable While Trolling
is used to disable event monitoring when trolling.
Use As Additional Run
is used to let this channel act as a run indication. If the DCU has only
one pickup source, it is recommended to add an engine oil pressure switch as an engine
running indication.
Do not use any other pressure sensors – or any other signals – as the engine
running indication!
Normal denotes a running engine with no alarm.
If two or more engine speed (pickup) sources are in use, then it is recommended
leaving this off for all switches. Set to No.
If one engine speed source only, locate the engine oil pressure switch and use this
as the Additional Run signal. Set to Yes.
An engine speed source can be the magnetic pickup connected to the DCU, the J1939 CAN bus
signal connected to the DCU, or the speed signal coming from the connected SDU 404/410 safety
shutdown unit.
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