To add a signal to a slot position, select the drop-down list for the desired slot, then select
the signal from the selection of available signals.
Only signals that have been configured for use are visible in the drop-down list.
Edit a Signal
Click on the Edit Signal link to edit the signal.
Insert a New Page
Choose whether the new page is to appear before or after an existing page, then press the
Insert Page button.
The pages will be renumbered automatically.
Choose a Template
A range of templates will be presented. Choose a template and start populating the page
with predefined signals.
The chosen template will appear at the bottom of the screen. Select a signal and press
Submit to clear the other templates.
Delete a Page
First Select the page, and then press the Delete button.
There is no undo-function, so make sure the correct page is deleted.
The pages will be renumbered automatically.
5.3 Flow Charts
Flow charts are specialized pages that displays signal data for a predefined process. Flow
charts are added to the same display rotation as normal pages.
Currently there’s only one flowchart available. This flowchart is only applicable for Genset
installations and can be used to display specialized data when the DCU is connected to a
RIO 425 module or the LSU 408.
5.4 RP Home View Configuration
This section can be used to customize the contents of the home screens of Remote Panels
(RP 410E or RP 210E220E) connected to this DCU.
Assign signals to dual and quad view.
These settings will only affect connected RPs and have no impact on the DCU
5.5 Controls
Some controls of the DCU can be enabled here. If enabled they will appear in the DCU
menu structure, directly under Controls.
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