4.3.2 Individual Speed Sensors
Note that any speed signal can be configured here, and that this is treated separately from
the Engine Speed channel configured above.
By configuring these sensors it is possible to view the current RPM from an individual speed
sensor as opposed to the standard Engine Speed sensor that acts on many inputs at once.
This is where the display and alarm settings of the three different types of speed sensors
available, can be configured.
● Engine Speed (DCU)
● Engine Speed (J1939)
● Engine Speed (J1939):2 (If enabled)
● Engine Speed (SDU 410)
● Engine Speed (SDU 404)
All Individual Speed sensors are configured the same way.
home / dcu / i/o configuration / individual speed sensor
The individual speed sensors are configured as any standard analog channel.
4.3.3 Engine Load
The engine load is used within the DCU as an additional setting when configuring alarms.
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