home / dcu / communication / j1939 configuration / j1939:1
Source Address
sets the DCU address for the J1939 interface. Default setting is 0xF2.
Request Address
selects which J1939 address the DCU should request PGNs which are
defined by SAE to by on-request. 0xFF is a broadcast request. Default setting is 0x00.
Allowed Addresses
makes it possible to filter J1939 nodes on the J1939 network, so that the
DCU is only reading data for specific units. Normally, all sources are accepted. Up to 10
addresses can be filtered by the DCU.
Allowed DM1 Addresses
makes it possible to filter DM1, so that the DCU only received DM1
from certain J1939 nodes on the network. Up to 10 addresses can be filtered by the DCU.
Periodic DM53 Requests
sets if the DCU should periodically request DM53 (Active service
codes). Any DM53 replies will be added to the alarm list. Function Specific Configuration
home / dcu / communication / j1939 configuration / j1939:1
/ function specific configuration
Engine Control
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