Acknowledge Mode
Not allowed
. The RP can not acknowledge engine alarms. Select this only if the
alarms are to be acknowledged in another panel instead.
Silence only
. The Buzzer can be silenced, but the alarms can not be acknowledged.
Ack & Silence
. Full acknowledge control, just as on the local DCU engine panel.
Acknowledge Options
Only Acknowledge Visible Events
. Check this option to not be able to acknowledge
all alarms with a long-press (1 sec) on the Acknowledge button.
DCU Acknowledge without being Active Station
. Allow acknowledge of DCU
engine alarms independent of active station.
11.2.4 IP Address
If necessary, change the RP panel IP address.
Always make sure that
● The three first digits are equal for all panels in the network.
● The last digit is unique in the Ethernet network.
Changing the RP IP address does not require a new DCU Connection to be performed.
Make sure the new IP address is unique on the network.
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