Rockwell Automation Publication 1407-UM002B-EN-P - February 2019
Chapter 3
CGCM-DLR Unit Operation
Over-excitation Voltage (59F) (field over-voltage)
When the field voltage rises above the level you specified for more than a set
amount of time, a field over-voltage annunciation occurs. Once the field voltage
drops below the threshold, the field over-voltage timer is reset. If this fault occurs,
the CGCM-DLR unit shuts down excitation and sets tag
= 1 in the
Scheduled Read table.
Generator Over-voltage (59)
When the generator voltage rises above the level you specified for more than a set
amount of time, a generator over-voltage annunciation occurs. Once the
generator voltage drops below the threshold, the generator over-voltage timer is
reset. If this fault occurs, tag
= 1 in the Scheduled Read table.
Generator Under-voltage (27)
When the generator voltage falls below the level you specified for more than a set
amount of time, a generator under-voltage annunciation occurs. Once the
generator voltage rises above the threshold, the generator under-voltage timer is
reset. This function is disabled during soft start timing or when the
tag is set. If this fault occurs, tag
= 1 in the Scheduled Read table.