Rockwell Automation Publication 1407-UM002B-EN-P - February 2019
CGCM-DLR Unit Operation
Droop (reactive current compensation)
Droop (reactive current compensation) is a method of controlling reactive
current when a generator is connected in parallel with another energy source.
Droop adjusts the generator voltage in proportion to the measured generator
reactive power. The CGCM-DLR unit calculates reactive power by using the
3-phase generator voltage and current sensing inputs. The droop adjustment is
the percent reduction from the generator voltage setpoint when the generator
produces reactive power corresponding to rated generator kVA.
To activate droop, you must do the following:
Properly connect and configure the metering CTs and generator VTs
Write the desired droop setpoint to the
Enable excitation (tag
= 1)
Remote Excitation Enable On (discrete input)
Make sure the CGCM-DLR unit is in AVR mode
= 0)
Enable droop (
tag = 1)
Select droop (
tag = 0)
Disable automatic reactive power control(tag
= 0)
Cross-current Compensation
Cross-current compensation (reactive differential compensation) is a method to
connect multiple generators in parallel to share reactive load. Cross-current
compensation requires the connection of an additional CT into the cross-current
compensation input. The CGCM-DLR unit operates in a standalone application
without the cross-current inputs connected.
The cross-current compensation method of reactive load sharing is possible with
other controllers of similar type. Cross-current compensation monitors the ID
current, V GEN A, and V GEN C inputs to adjust the excitation level. A gain
adjustment is provided to tune the cross current control. Cross-current
compensation is configured and controlled by using the software interface to the
Logix controller.