Rockwell Automation Publication 1407-UM002B-EN-P - February 2019
CGCM-DLR Unit Configuration
Bus A Offsets
Voltage multiplier - Establishes a factor by which the Bus A voltage is
scaled during synchronization. It can be used to compensate for
transformer ratio differences between the generator and bus voltages. For
example, if the generator nominal voltage is 4160V and the nominal Bus A
voltage is 12,480V (each measured line-to-line), a voltage multiplier value
of 0.333 permits voltage matching during synchronization. Configuration
table tag
stores this parameter.
Phase - Establishes an offset angle added to the measured Bus A phase
angle. It can be used to compensate for phase shift across transformers or
between delta and Wye connected systems.
As an example, consider the system that is shown in
Connection for Four-wire Wye Bus and Two (or Three) Transformer
Delta Generator System
When a generator with three-wire (delta) metering is synchronized to a bus
with four-wire (Wye) metering, set the phase offset to 30° to compensate
for the 30° lag between the delta and Wye systems. Configuration table tag
stores this parameter, expressed in degrees.
Bus B Offsets
Voltage multiplier - Establishes a factor by which the Bus B voltage is
scaled during synchronization. It can be used to compensate for
transformer ratio differences between the generator and bus voltages.
Configuration table tag
stores this parameter.
Phase - Establishes an offset angle added to the measured Bus B phase
angle. It can be used to compensate for phase shift across transformers or
between delta and Wye connected systems. Configuration table tag
stores this parameter, expressed in degrees.
The Bus A examples also apply to Bus B.