Rockwell Automation Publication 1407-UM002B-EN-P - February 2019
Appendix E
Detailed CGCM-DLR Unit Tag Descriptions
- This tag is used as the VAR coordinate in the
fifth watt, VAR coordinate pair, that, in combination with four other watt,
VAR coordinate pairs, lets you enter an Under-excitation Limiting curve.
Under-excitation Limit Outputs from CGCM Unit
– This tag is set to 1 when the exciter is operating in the
Under-excitation Limiting mode.
This section describes the protection tags for the CGCM-DLR unit.
General Protection Inputs to CGCM-DLR Unit
– The host Logix contoller uses this tag to indicate to the
CGCM-DLR unit that it has observed the fault condition reported by the
CGCM-DLR unit, and wants the fault condition reset.
General Protection Outputs from CGCM Unit
– This tag indicates that one of the configured protection faults
has gone active.
– This tag reports to the host Logix controller that the
CGCM-DLR unit has received activation of the FltReset tag and the
protective fault has been cleared.
Loss of Excitation Inputs to CGCM-DLR Unit
- When this tag is a 1 in the configuration, and a Loss
of Excitation Fault occurs (as defined by the LossExc_I_Setpt tag), the
Fault Relay is energized. When this tag is a 0 in the configuration, a Loss of
Excitation Condition has no effect on the Fault Relay.
- This tag configures the level of the CGCM-DLR unit
DC output current that is considered to be a minimum that is needed to
maintain generator synchronization when in parallel with other power
sources such as a utility grid.
- This tag configures the amount of time the
CGCM-DLR unit excitation is below the Loss of Excitation Current
setpoint before the CGCM-DLR unit trips the generator off line by
opening the generator breaker.