Rockwell Automation Publication 1407-UM002B-EN-P - February 2019
CGCM-DLR Unit Startup
Operational Testing of the CGCM-DLR Unit Functions
These tests can be performed to verify the applicable operational functions of the
CGCM-DLR unit. These tests are performed with the generator and prime
mover fully functional. These steps are assumed to be performed in order, so that
the conditions at the end of one step exist at the beginning of the next step.
During the following tests, the response of the AVR or FCR modes of operation
can be determined by creating a step change in the voltage setpoint. An increase
or decrease in the voltage setpoint creates the step change. The typical change in
setpoint is between 1% and 10%. Observe the resulting generator response.
Observe the voltage overshoot and settling time and adjust the following gain
settings to obtain the desired performance.
A typical test is to operate the generator at nominal voltage. With a chart
recorder (or suitable voltage-recording device) monitoring the generator output
voltage, initiate a change in the setting. If the transient response observed has too
much overshoot, reduce the Kp value. If the overshoot is small and the response is
too slow increase the Kp value. An increasing in the Ki value decreases the time
that is required to reach steady state. To improve the transient response to a step
change, increase K
. If there is too much jitter in the steady-state output, decrease
. Because all of these terms affect the characteristic response, it is necessary to
balance all three to obtain the desired generator response.
Start the Generator
Follow these steps when starting the generator.
Verify that the appropriate measures have been taken to allow rotation of
the prime mover and generator without applying excitation.
Disable the excitation enable inputs to the CGCM-DLR unit.
Start and accelerate the prime mover to synchronous speed.
Verify and Apply PMG Power
Follow these steps to verify and apply PMG power.
Rotate the generator at rated speed.
Measure the PMG voltage and compare with generator manufacturer data
to be sure that PMG voltage is as expected.
Apply the PMG supply voltage at the CGCM-DLR unit PMG input