Rockwell Automation Publication 1407-UM002B-EN-P - February 2019
General Information
This list contains the inputs for the CGCM-DLR unit:
Single-phase or 3-phase true rms generator voltage sensing
Single-phase dual bus or 3-phase single bus voltage sensing
3-phase generator current sensing (1 or 5 A nominal)
Single-phase cross current loop 1 or 5 A current transformer (CT) input
Auxiliary ±10V DC input providing remote control of the setpoints
DC power input
This list contains the outputs for the CGCM-DLR unit:
Pulse-width modulated output power stage that is rated at 15 A
Discrete redundancy relay output
Discrete fault output driver
Load sharing connection for use with the Allen-Bradley® Line
Synchronization Module™ (1402-LSM) or compatible hardware
Communication Interfaces
The CGCM-DLR unit has these three communication ports:
Redundant EtherNet/IP DLR connector
RS-232 port for dedicated communication with a redundant CGCM
RS-232 port for factory configuration and test (not for customer use)