Rockwell Automation Publication 1407-UM002B-EN-P - February 2019
Chapter 7
Generator overvoltage (59)
Rapid loss of large load
Gains mis-adjusted
Check AVR gains
Calculate/adjust gains as required
Generator undervoltage (27)
Over load
Wiring error
Check VT wiring. See Voltage
metering troubleshooting
Correct wiring as required
Loss of sensing (60FL)
Fuse open
Check VT fuses
Replace as required
Wiring error
Check for open connections and
phase rotation reversal
Correct wiring as required
Loss of permanent magnet
generator (PMG/Excitation power)
Supply circuit breaker trip/fuse open Check PMG supply. Measure with
voltmeter at CGCM-DLR unit PMG
input terminals
Correct/replace PMG input
protection as required
Wiring error
Check PMG supply. Measure with
voltmeter at CGCM-DLR unit PMG
input terminals
Correct wiring as required
PMG failure
Check PMG supply. Measure with
voltmeter at CGCM-DLR unit PMG
input terminals
Repair as required
Incorrect configuration
Check single-phase versus 3-phase
Correct as required
Reverse VAR (40Q)
Check UEL configuration if
Correct as required
Incorrect operating mode selected
Check selected operating mode for
operating requirements
Select as appropriate
Over-frequency (81O)
Governor error
Correct as required
Under-frequency (81U)
Governor error
Correct as required
Reverse power (32R)
Governor error
Correct as required
Rotating diode monitor
Failed diode
Remove and test diodes
Replace diode
Incorrect configuration
Confirm test / setup of diode
monitor parameters with active
Correct as required
Insufficient number of fly back
diodes that are installed
Check number of external flyback
diodes that are installed at
CGCM-DLR excitation output if
Install as required
Phase rotation error (47)
Wiring error
See troubleshooting voltage
Correct wiring as required
Generator over-current (51)
Fault or large load condition
Incorrect configuration
Check configuration
Correct as required
Table 34 - Protection
Most Likely Cause
Diagnostic Action
Corrective Action