DSM Installation and Configuration Guide
Copyright 2009 - 2020 Thales Group. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3: DSM V6000 Hardware Appliance
High Availability (HA) Configuration for V6000 hardware appliance
This chapter describes how to set up a newly purchased or replacement Vormetric V6000 DSM hardware appliance.
At the end of this process, your DSM hardware appliance will be connected to the network and ready to support
protected hosts.
Figure 3-1: V6000 DSM hardware appliance
The V6000 and virtual appliances can be network HSM-enabled by connecting them to either a Luna HSM or an
nShield Connect HSM. An HSM enables the DSM appliance to create and protect the DSM master key. For more
information about using a Luna HSM, see,
. For more information about using an nShield
Connect HSM, see
"nShield Connect Integration" on page 86
Configuring a V6000 Appliance
The following are the high-level steps for installing and configuring the DSM V6000 hardware appliance with DHCP
enabled, or if you choose to turn it off, how to configure the appliance using static IP addressing.
Follow the procedure described in
Appendix A: "Specifications, Racking, and Cabling for the V6000 and V6100" on
, to install the physical appliance.
After installation and configuration, the DSM must have connectivity to all hosts that have Vormetric Transparent
Encryption Agents installed.
Configuring the DSM via DHCP
Configuring the DSM via DHCP for the V6000 uses the same method as in the V6100.
Configuring DSM with DHCP
DHCP support is available for all the DSM interfaces;
(enabled by default),
, and
implementation configures the interface IP address, subnet mask, router (default gateway), DNS server, and the
search domain. It does not configure a host name, an NTP server, or Time Zone for the DSM appliance, these have to
be manually configured through the CLI.
You can choose to turn off dynamic IP addressing and use static IP addressing instead, see
v6100 via Static IP Address" on page 23
. DHCP is managed via the CLI, the DHCP CLI commands are available in
the Network category of commands and are described in detail in the
DSM Administration Guide