Chapter 3: DSM V6000 Hardware Appliance
nShield Connect Integration
DSM Installation and Configuration Guide
Copyright 2009 - 2020 Thales Group. All rights reserved.
0000:dsm$ hsm
0001:hdm$ connect add
3. To view the available nShield Connect appliances, type the following at the prompt:
0002:hsm$ connect show
4. If you want to remove the existing nShield Connect, type the following at the prompt:
0003:hsm$ connect delete
Backing up and Restoring network HSM-enabled DSM
A network HSM-enabled DSM is backed up in the same way as any other DSM appliance. You should also take a
backup of the RFS when you backup the DSM and keep the two backup files together. The RFS backup is done
separately as part of the nShield Connect administration, refer to the nShield Connect user documentation for details
and procedures.
If the backup is to be restored to the same DSM appliance, then the nShield RFS backup is not required.
If the backup is to be restored on a another network HSM-enabled DSM in another Security World, you will need to
restore the RFS first and then the DSM backup. The associated ACS will also be required.
The high-level steps to backup a network HSM-enabled DSM and restore the backup to another DSM in another
Security World are as follows:
1. Backup the network HSM-enabled DSM. The backup procedure for a network HSM-enabled DSM or cluster is
the same as for any other DSM deployment. Refer to the DSM Administrators Guide chapter, “Backing Up and
Restoring the DSM”.
2. Backup the nShield Connect RFS. Refer to the nShield user documentation for the procedure.
3. Restore the Security World data on the nShield Connect device connected to the new network HSM-enabled
DSM that belongs to another Security World.
4. Run the
connect secworldupdate
command on the DSM to update the Security World.
5. Restore the network HSM-enabled DSM backup. The restore procedure for a network HSM-enabled DSM or
cluster is the same as for any other DSM deployment. Refer to the DSM Administrators Guide chapter, “Backing
Up and Restoring the DSM”.
A backup of a network HSM-enabled DSM can be restored as follows:
On the same DSM appliance
On another DSM appliance in the same Security World
On a DSM V6100 appliance—to restore a network HSM-enabled DSM backup to a V6100appliance, ACS of the
nShield Connect device that was configured with the network HSM-enabled DSM is required. Refer to the DSM
Administrators Guide chapter, “Backing Up and Restoring the DSM” for a detailed description of the procedure.
Additionally, you can restore the following types of backups to a network HSM-enabled DSM:
A backup of a non-HSM DSM (V6000 or virtual DSM)
Domain level backups can be restored as follows:
A domain backup from a network HSM-enabled DSM to a domain on a non network HSM-enabled DSM (V6000 or
virtual appliance) and vice versa
A domain backup from a network HSM-enabled DSM to a domain on a V6100 appliance and vice versa