DSM Installation and Configuration Guide
Copyright 2009 - 2020 Thales Group. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1: The Data Security Manager
The Data Security Manager (DSM) is the central component in the v2 (VDS Platform). The DSM provides centralized
management of data security policies and encryption keys that enable corporations to secure their data in physical as
well as virtual environments. With the DSM you can:
Define security policies to encrypt files and directories and control access to that encrypted data
Create, store and manage DSM encryption keys, efficiently
Provide centralized key management for third-party platforms, and securely store X.509 certificates, symmetric
keys, and asymmetric keys
Provide strong separation of duties, ensuring one administrator does not have complete control over data security
policies, encryption keys, and DSM administration
Create administrative domains for different business units or different customers to share the DSMs protection
but, with complete separation of administrators and the data they control
Provide continuous availability by clustering DSMs to ensure access to DSM policies and keys
Provide flexible administration via a web-based management console, command line interface (CLI), and
application programming interfaces (API) including REST and SOAP.
This guide describes how to install and configure the DSM V6100 and V6000 hardware appliances, an DSM virtual
DSM Overview
The DSM is available as either a hardware appliance with a Hardware Security Module (model V6100), a hardware
appliance (model V6000), or a virtual appliance.
The DSM stores data security policies, encryption keys, and audit logs in a a virtual or hardened appliance that is
physically separated from the VTE Agents. Security teams can enforce strong separation of duties over management
of the system by requiring the assignment of key and policy management to more than one data security administrator
so that no one person has complete control over the security of data.
Figure 1-1: DSM V6000 Appliance without HSM (rear view)
Figure 1-2: DSM V6100 Appliance with HSM (rear view)