Chapter 4: Installing and Configuring a DSM
Configuring a Virtual Appliance
DSM Installation and Configuration Guide
Copyright 2009 - 2020 Thales Group. All rights reserved.
Configuring a Virtual Appliance
The following are the high-level steps for installing and configuring the DSM virtual appliance using DHCP, or if you
choose to turn it off, how to configure the appliance using static IP addressing.
Configuring DSM using DHCP
interface is now DHCP-enabled by default. This section describes how to configure the DSM
appliance with DHCP enabled. You must have a DHCP Server properly configured to ensure that the DSM appliance
gets the correct IP address.
DHCP support is available for all the DSM interfaces;
(enabled by default),
, and
implementation configures the interface IP address, subnet mask, router (default gateway), DNS server, and the
search domain. It does not configure a host name, an NTP server, or Time Zone for the DSM appliance, these have to
be manually configured via the CLI. You can choose to turn off dynamic IP addressing and use static IP addressing
instead, see
"Configuring DSM using Static IP Addressing" below
. DHCP is managed via the CLI, the DHCP CLI
commands are available in the Network category of commands and are described in detail in the
DSM Administrators
After accepting the license agreement and changing the CLI administrators password, you need to set the host name
and configure an NTP server. The steps are as follows:
1. Assemble configuration information using the
"Virtual DSM Installation Checklist" on the next page
2. Set up the virtual appliance, see
"Virtual Appliance Setup" on page 75
"Specify host name resolution method" on page 74
, if applicable
"Virtual Appliance Configuration" on page 77
"Virtual Appliance Configuration" on page 77
"Virtual Appliance Configuration" on page 77
if you choose to use these features
"Virtual Appliance Configuration" on page 77
"Virtual Appliance Configuration" on page 77
"Virtual Appliance Configuration" on page 77
Configuring DSM using Static IP Addressing
If you do not want to want to use DHCP, it can be turned off via the CLI and you can assign a static IP addresses to
the DSM interfaces. The DHCP CLI commands are available in the Network category commands sub-menu and are
described in detail in the CLI chapter of the
DSM Administrators Guide
To turn off DHCP do the following and then proceed with the configuration as described in the sections below:
Log on to the CLI console with the CLI administrator credentials and enter the Network category of commands, and
turn off DHCP on the
$ network
0001:network$ ip dhcp release <interface> version 4
$ network
0001:network$ ip dhcp release eth0 version 4