Chapter 4: Installing and Configuring a DSM
KVM Deployment
DSM Installation and Configuration Guide
Copyright 2009 - 2020 Thales Group. All rights reserved.
Create the GCP Instance in the CLI
Type the following to create the GCP instance:
# gcloud compute instances create <gcp_instance> --image <target_image_name> --tags https-
--machine-type <instance_type>
# gcloud compute instances create thales-test-556 --image gs://my-company-releases/tar/gcp-
dsm-6.4.3.tar.gz --tags https-server
--machine-type n1-standard-4
KVM Deployment
This section describes how to deploy a KVM image using the virt-manager desktop interface and using the virsh
command line tool. If you choose to deploy the KVM image using virsh, you must also download the provided XML file.
1. Launch the virt-manager software.
2. Select
File > New Virtual Machine
3. Select Import existing disk image and click
4. Browse to your .qcow2 file and select it.
5. Choose Linux/CentOS 7.0 for the OS type/Version and click
6. Set RAM to 4096 MB minimum, CPUs to 4 minimum, and click
7. Name your virtual machine and select your network adapter. For a bridge, select Specify shared
device name
and enter the name for your bridge device, for example "br0".
8. Check
Customize configuration before install
9. Click
10. You can now add or modify your hardware selections. Add another NIC now if desired.
11. Set the CPU topology and click Apply. The recommended configuration is:
4 Cores
1 Thread
12. Click
Begin Installation
to start the virtual machine.
1. Edit the XML file and change the virtual machine name and description to your requirements. The name of the
XML file and the virtual machine must be the same. Rename the XML file as necessary.
2. In the XML file, change the path to the location where you saved the .qcow2 file. You must change it to the
absolute path.
3. Change name of the bridge devices (there are two NICs) to match existing bridge(s) or create a bridge "br0" to
4. Change the UUID for the virtual machine, as well as the MAC addresses for the two NICs as necessary.
5. To start the virtual machine, type the following command at the prompt: