Chapter 3: DSM V6000 Hardware Appliance
High Availability (HA) Configuration for V6000 hardware appliance
DSM Installation and Configuration Guide
Copyright 2009 - 2020 Thales Group. All rights reserved.
Updating a network HSM-enabled DSM Security World
In the event that the nShield Connect Security World changes, the network HSM-enabled DSM’s Security World must
be synchronized with the new one. A Security World change may be triggered for various reasons, for example the
ACS has been replaced.
To update the Security World on the network HSM-enabled DSM:
1. Open a CLI session on the DSM, if this is a high availability cluster, do this on all the nodes in the cluster.
2. Navigate to the HSM submenu:
0000:dsm$ hsm
3. Type the following at the prompt:
0001:hsm$ secworldupdate
SUCCESS: Security World data on this DSM node updated
You can view the DSM audit logs, accessed via
Log > Logs
from the DSM Web UI, to see the Security World update
High Availability (HA) Configuration for V6000 hardware appliance
"Configuring HA for V6x00 and Virtual Appliances" on page 135
for procedures to configure high availability.