Section 1—492/492P Service Vol. I (SN B030000 & up)
The Service manual consists of two volumes that contain
information necessary to test, adjust, and service the Porta
ble Rackmount/Benchtop 492/492P Spectrum Analyzer.
The intent is to provide as complete information as possible
as an aid in servicing this instrument. The Table of Contents
at the beginning of Volume 1 lists contents of each section
contained within Volume 1.
Change information that involves manual corrections
and/or additions pending manual reprint and bind, is located
at the back of the Service manual in the CHANGE INFOR
MATION section.
History information with the updated data is integrated
into the text or diagrams when a page or diagram is updat
ed. Revised pages have a revision date in the lower inside
corner of the page. The manual may contain revisions that
do not apply to your instrument; however, history informa
tion with updated data, is integrated into the text or diagram
when the page or diagram is revised.
The person using these instructions should be knowl
edgeable in digital and analog circuit theory. Circuit analysis
is primarily functional. The intent is to provide sufficient in
formation for the technician to isolate the majority of mal
functions to a block of circuitry. Those users with an
understanding of logic and analog circuitry should then be
able to further isolate the malfunction to a specific compo
nent or components.
Most terminology is in accordance with those standards
adapted by IEEE. A glossary of terms is provided as an
appendix. Abbreviations in the documentation are in accor
dance with ANSI Y1.1-1972, with exceptions and additions
explained in parentheses after the abbreviation. Graphic
symbols comply with ANSI Y32.2-1975. Logic symbology is
based on ANSI Y32.14-1973 and the manufacturer’s data
description. A copy of ANSI standards may be obtained
from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 345
47th Street, New York, NY 10017.
Product Service
To assure adequate product service and maintenance for
our instruments, Tektronix has established Field Offices and
Service Centers at strategic points throughout the United
States and in countries where our products are sold. Sever
al types of maintenance or repair agreements are available.
For example: for a fixed fee, a maintenance agreement pro
gram provides maintenance and re-calibration on a regular
basis. Tektronix will remind you when a product is due for
recalibration and perform the service within a specified time.
Contact your local Service Center, representative, or sales
engineer for details regarding: Warranty, Calibration, Emer
gency Repair, Repair Parts, Scheduled Maintenance, Main
tenance Agreements, Pickup and Delivery, On-Site Service
for fixed installations, and other services available through
these centers.
Tektronix emergency repair service provides immediate
attention to instrument malfunctions if you are in an emer
gency situation such as a field trip. Again, contact any
Tektronix Service Center for assistance to get you on your
way within a minimum of time.
Instrument Construction
The modular construction of the 492/492P instrument
provides ready access to the major circuits. Circuit boards
that contain sensitive circuits are either mounted on metal
extrusions, each of which provides shielding between adja
cent modules, or they are mounted within honeycomblike
extrusions with a feedthrough connector through the wall of
the compartment. Interconnection between boards and as
semblies is provided by plugging these boards onto a main
mother board. Most adjustments and test points are acces
sible while the instrument is operational and the modules or
assemblies secured in their normal position. Extenders are
provided with a Service Kit; see Maintenance section under
Service Fixtures and Tools for Maintenance.
Any module can be removed without disturbing the struc
tural or functional integrity of the other modules. The ex
tenders allow most circuit board assemblies to function in
an extended position for service or adjustment. The circuit
REV JUN 1982
Содержание 492, 492P
Страница 12: ...492 492P Service Vol I SN B030000 up The 492 492P Spectrum Analyzer xii REV AUG 1981 ...
Страница 244: ...Theory of Operation 492 492P Service Vol 1 SN B030000 up REV AUG 1981 5 81 ...
Страница 256: ...Theory of Operation 492 492P Service Vol 1 SN B030000 up Fig 5 40 Frequency control encoder timing ...
Страница 263: ...Theory of Operation 492 492P Service Vol 1 SN B030000 up Fig 5 43 9914 GPIA block diagram 5 100 REV AUG 1981 ...
Страница 299: ...Product 492 Ser 1 Date 2 12 85 Change Ref M55287 Fig 5 28 Basic tune voltage converter Page 2 of 6 ...