A.4 Technology alarms
S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
Technology alarm 534
Alarm reaction: Remove enable
Restart: Not required
Alarm text
Software limit switch passed.
The software limit switch was exceeded.
Acknowledge the alarm.
Movements in the positive direction are allowed after
The software limit switch was exceeded. Acknowledge
the alarm. Movements in the negative direction are al-
lowed after acknowledgment.
Technology alarm 541
Alarm reaction: Remove enable
Restart: Not required
Alarm text
Positioning monitoring error.
Target range not reached.
The target range was not reached within the positioning
tolerance time.
Check the configuration of the positioning monitoring.
Check configuration of the control loop..
Exit target range again.
The target area was exited within the minimum dwell
time. Check the configuration of the positioning monitor-
ing. Check configuration of the control loop.
Technology alarm 550
Alarm reaction: Follow-up setpoints
Restart: Not required
Alarm text
The drive performs a autonomous movement.
When the SS2 signal is no longer present in the drive,
the drive goes automatically into standby mode
(<TO>.StatusDrive.InOperation = TRUE).
Acknowledge the alarm.
The technology object is automatically released after