7.5 Tracking active jobs
S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
3. Check job status
Parameter "Done" of the Motion Control instruction indicates successful completion of a job
(target reached, in this case).
If an error is detected, the "Error" parameter of the Motion Control instruction is set to TRUE,
and the job is rejected.
You can program an error handling routine for the Motion Control job. For this purpose,
evaluate the error indicated in the "Error" parameter. The cause of the error is indicated in
the ErrorID parameter. After resolving the cause of the error, restart the job.
Output of the "Error" = TRUE and "ErrorID" = 16#8001 status information during job
processing indicates that a technology alarm was triggered.
A list of the ErrorIDs can be found in the appendix, Error Detection (Page 386).
Additional information
An option for the evaluation of the individual status bits, error bits, and warning bits can be
found in the Evaluating StatusWord, ErrorWord and WarningWord (Page 175) section.
Tracking active jobs
The current status of the job processing is made available via the output parameters of the
Motion Control instruction. These parameters are updated with each call of the Motion
Control instruction.
When tracking jobs, a distinction is made between three groups:
Motion Control instructions with "Done" parameter (Page 185)
Motion Control instructions without "Done" parameter (Page 189)