11.2 S7-1500 Motion Control V1
S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
MC_MoveJog: Function chart V1
Function chart: Moving an axis in jog mode
The axis is moved in the negative direction in jog mode via "Jog_B". When the setpoint
velocity -50.0 is reached, this is signaled via "InVel" = TRUE. After "Jog_B" is reset, the axis
is braked and brought to a standstill. Then the axis is moved in the positive direction via
"Jog_F". When the setpoint velocity 50.0 is reached, this is signaled via "InVel" = TRUE.
At time
, if "Jog_F" is set, the setpoint velocity is changed to 100.0 by means of
"Vel_Input". Alternatively, you can also change the setpoint velocity via the velocity override.
"InVel" is reset. The axis is being accelerated. When the new setpoint velocity 100.0 is
reached, this is signaled via "InVel" = TRUE.
If "Jog_F" is set, "Jog_B" is likewise set at time
. If both "Jog_F" and "Jog_B" are set, then
the axis is braked with the last applicable deceleration. An error is indicated via "Error", and
the "ErrorID" of the error 16#8007 (incorrect direction specification) is output.