11.2 S7-1500 Motion Control V1
S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
MC_Halt: Function chart V1
Function chart: Stopping an axis, and the response to an overriding job
An axis is moved with an "MC_MoveVelocity" job (A1). When the setpoint velocity 50.0 is reached, this is sig-
naled via "InVel_1". At time
, the "MC_MoveVelocity" job is overridden by an "MC_Halt" job (A2). The job
termination is signaled via "Abort_1". The axis is braked to a standstill. Successful completion of the "MC_Halt"
job is signaled via "Done_2".
The axis is moved with an "MC_MoveVelocity" job (A1). When the setpoint velocity 50.0 is reached, this is
signaled via "InVel_1". Next the "MC_MoveVelocity" job is overridden by an "MC_Halt" job (A2). The job termi-
nation is signaled via "Abort_1". During the braking process the "MC_Halt" job is overridden at time
by an
"MC_MoveVelocity" job (A1). The job termination is signaled via "Abort_2". When the setpoint velocity 50.0 is
reached, this is signaled via "InVel_1". The axis is then moved with constant velocity.