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Instant TV + FM (PCI)

Quick Installation Guide

This Quick Installation Guide should be used as a reference guide only. It is highly recommended that you read the complete 

Instant TV + FM Manual before using this product to help ensure you get the most of your Instant TV + FM.

Follow these instructions when using the Instant TV + FM for the first time.

Instant TV + FM Hardware Installation:

1) Insert your Instant TV + FM into an open PCI slot on your motherboard.

2) Connect the Coaxial cable or Audio/Video cables from your video source to the Instant TV + FM.

3) Insert the Instant TV + FM CD into your CD-ROM drive.

4) Wait for the Autorun window to appear and click on "Install Drivers" on the PCI portion. The drivers will automatically install.

Step by Step Hardware Installation

1. Turn your computer off.

3. Take the Instant TV + FM PCI
    from the packaging.

2. Take the case off of your computer to
    have access to the PCI slot of your

5. Put the case of your computer back on.

Step by Step Instant TV + FM (PCI) Driver Installation:

Step 1: After you have intalled the Instant TV + FM PCI into an open PCI slot, 

turn on your computer.

Step 2: Place the provided Instant TV + FM CD into your CD ROM drive and wait 

for the autorun screen to come up. Once the Autorun sceen has launched click " 

Install Drivers" and follow the on-screen instructions.

6. Press the power button to turn the
    computer on to start the installation of
    the drivers.

4. Insert the Instant TV + FM PCI into
    an open PCI slot on the motherboard
    and screw in tightly.

Instant TV + FM (PCI)

Guide de prise en main rapide

Ce guide de prise en main rapide est fourni uniquement à titre de référence. Pour tirer profit au maximum de ce produit, nous 

vous conseillons vivement de lire le manuel de l'utilisateur Instant TV + FM dans son intégralité, avant toute utilisation.

Suivez les instructions ci-dessous si c'est la première fois que vous utilisez la carte Instant TV + FM

Installation matérielle de l'Instant TV + FM :

1) Placez votre Instant TV + FM dans un slot PCI libre de la carte mère.

2) Branchez le câble coaxial ou les câbles audio/vidéo de la source vidéo à la carte Instant TV + FM.

3) Insérez le CD Instant TV + FM dans le lecteur CD-ROM.

4) À l'apparition de l'écran d'exécution automatique, cliquez sur " Installer les pilotes " sous la section PCI. L'installation des

    pilotes se fait automatiquement


Instant TV + FM (PCI)

Guía de Instalación Rápida

Esta Guía de Instalación Rápida deberá ser utilizada solo como guía de referencia .  Es recomendable que lea el manual de 

Instant TV+FM completamente antes de utilizar el producto para asegurarse de obtener el máximo de su Instant TV+FM.  Siga 

estas instrucciones cuando utilice el Instant TV+FM por primera vez.

Instalación de la placa Instant TV + FM:
1) Inserte su Instant TV + FM en un slot PCI libre de su Placa Madre.
2) Conecte el cable Coaxial de su antena de TV o los cables de Audio/Video de su fuente de video al conector correspondiente 
en el Instant TV + FM.
3) Inserte el CD de Instant TV + FM en su unidad de CD-ROM.
4) Espere a que aparezca la ventana del menú de instalación y haga Click en "Install Drivers". Los Drivers se instalarán 

1. Éteignez votre ordinateur.

3. Enlevez la carte Instant TV + FM

    PCI de l'emballage.

2. Enlevez le capot de l'ordinateur pour

    accéder au slot PCI de la carte mère

4. Placez-la dans un slot PCI libre de la
    carte mère et vissez-la bien.

Installation pas à pas des pilotes de la carte Instant TV + FM (PCI)  


Étape 1 : Après l'installation de la carte Instant TV + FM PCI dans un slot PCI libre, 

allumez votre ordinateur.

Étape 2 : Insérez le CD Instant TV + FM CD dans le lecteur CD ROM et attendez 

l'apparition de l'écran d'exécution automatique. À son apparition, cliquez sur " 

Installer les pilotes " et suivez les instructions affichées.

5. Remettez le capot de l'ordinateur.

6. Appuyez sur le bouton de mise sous
    tension pour allumer l'ordinateur et
    lancer l'installation des pilotes.

Instalación paso a paso de los Drivers de Instant TV + FM (PCI):

Paso 1: Después de haber instalado la placa Instant TV + FM PCI en una ranura 

PCI, encienda la computadora.

Paso 2: Coloque el disco CD que acompaña al producto Instant TV + FM en su 

unidad de CD ROM y espere a que aparezca automáticamente la pantalla con el 

menú de instalación. Una vez allí, haga “Click” en “Install Drivers” y siga las 

instrucciones que ofrece el sistema.

1. Apague su computadora.

3. Tome la Placa Instant TV + FM PCI 


2. Quite el gabinete de su computadora 

para tener acceso a las ranuras PCI de 

su placa madre

4. Inserte cuidadosamente la placa 

Instant TV + FM PCI en una de las 

ranuras PCI libres de la placa madre de 

su computadora y atorníllela para 


5. Coloque nuevamente el gabinete a su 

6. Encienda su computadora para 
comenzar con la instalación de los 







Instant TV + FM (PCI)

Schnellanleitung für die Installation

Diese Schnellanleitung für die Installation soll nur als Leitfaden dienen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, vor Einsatz dieses Produkts das 

vollständige Instant TV + FM Handbuch zu lesen, um Ihren Instant TV + FM optimal nutzen zu können. 

Folgen Sie dieser Anleitung, wenn Sie den Instant TV + FM das erste Mal verwenden.

Installation der Instant TV + FM Hardware:

1) Führen Sie Ihren Instant TV + FM in einen freien PCI Slot auf Ihrem Motherboard ein.

2) Verbinden Sie das Koaxialkabel oder die Audio-/Videokabel Ihrer Videoquelle mit dem Instant TV + FM.

3) Legen Sie die Instant TV + FM CD in Ihr CD-ROM Laufwerk ein. 

4) Warten Sie, bis das Autorun-Fenster erscheint und klicken Sie im PCI Bereich auf "Install Drivers" (Treiber installieren).

    Die Treiber werden automatisch installiert.

1. Schalten Sie Ihren Computer aus.

3. Packen Sie den Instant TV + FM
    PCI aus.

2. Entfernen Sie das Gehäuse Ihres
    Computers, um Zugang zum PCI-Slot
    Ihres Motherboards zu haben.

5. Montieren Sie das Gehäuse Ihres
    Computers wieder an.

Schrittweise Installation der Instant TV + FM (PCI) Treiber:

Schritt 1: Nachdem Sie den  Instant TV + FM PCI in einem freien PCI-Slot installiert haben, 

schalten Sie Ihren Computer ein.

Schritt 2: Legen Sie die mitgelieferte Instant TV + FM CD in Ihr CD-ROM Laufwerk ein und 

warten Sie, bis das Autorun-Fenster erscheint. Klicken Sie im Autorun-Fenster auf "Install 

Drivers" (Treiber installieren) und befolgen Sie die Anleitung am Bildschirm.

6. Drücken Sie den Netzschalter, um den
    Computer einzuschalten und die
    Installation der Treiber anzustoßen.

4. Führen Sie den Instant TV + FM PCI in
    einen freien PCI-Slot auf dem
    Motherboard ein und schrauben Sie ihn fest.


Instant TV + FM (PCI)

Instalação rápida Guia

Este Guia Rápido de Instalação deve ser usado como um guia de referência só. Altamente é recomendado que lê completa o 

manual de Instant TV+FM antes de usar este produto para ajudar assegura-o receber o a maioria de sua TV de In FM.

Siga estas instruções quando usar a TV de In FM para o primeiro tempo.

A Instant TV+FM Instalação de Ferragem:

1) Insere sua Instant TV+FM numa ranhura aberta de PCI.

2) Ligam o cabo de Coaxial ou cabo de áudio/Vídeo de sua fonte de vídeo à Instant TV+FM.

3) Inserem a Instant TV+FM disco laser em sua CD-ROM.

4) Espera para a janela de Autorun aparecer e clicar em "Install Drivers" na porção de PCI. Os drivers automaticamente instalarão.

1. Desligue seu computador.

3. Tome a Instant TV+FM PCI da

2. Tire o caso de seu computadora para
    ter acesso à ranhura de PCI de sua

5. Ponha o caso de sua computadora

    para traz.

Passo a passo instalação dos drivers por Instant TV+FM:

Passo 1: Depois de installação do Instant TV+FM PCI numa ranhura aberta de 

PCI, volta em seu computador. 


Passo 2: Coloque o disco lde Instant TV+FM PCI em sua rodada de disco e 

espera para a tela de autorun surgir. Uma vez o sceen de Autorun arremessou 

estalido "Install Drivers" e segue as instruções de em-tela.

6. Pressione o botão de poder para ligar

    o computador e começar a instalação

    dos drivers.

4. Insira a Instant TV+FM PCI numa
    ranhura aberta de PCI e parafuso em

Schrittweise Installation der Hardware

Manuel en el CD debajo de la carpeta de la ayuda


If you require assistance with the installation, operation, or application of your ADS Technologies, Inc. product there are several options available to you as described in the technical support section of this manual. Your 

primary source for information and assistance is always your computer store or computer parts dealer. If your ADS product needs repair or replacement, contact your dealer for on-site repair service. The ADS 

Technologies technical support and customer service staff can aid in solving many problems. Our technical support department is available to repair any ADS Technologies product. You or your dealer must return 

products to our factory for repair or warranty replacement. 


If you need to return your ADS Technologies product you should return the product directly to the dealer or store where you purchased the product. Each individual computer store or dealer sets product returns policies 

for their customers. ADS Technologies, Inc. cannot be responsible for the actions or policies set by our dealers. If you desire to return the product for a refund, you must get the refund from the dealer or store you 

purchased the product from. If you purchased the product directly from ADS please see the “Terms and Conditions of Sale” on the reverse side of your sales invoice. 

Returns to ADS Technologies, Inc. are for repair or warranty replacement only. If you need to return product to ADS Technologies, Inc. for repair or replacement you must follow these steps: 

1. Call our Technical Support department at +1.562.926.4338 to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. 

2. The RMA number is valid for 30 days. 

3. Ship the product to the ADS factory with the RMA number marked on the inside and outside of the package. If there is no RMA number on the package or the RMA number has expired, the shipment will be refused.

    ADS will not be liable for lost or mis-shipped products. 

4. Replacement product cannot be shipped to you until the defective product has been received by ADS. 

5. Once the product is received at the factory it will be tested and then repaired or replaced. 

6. Turn around time is approximately one week. A repaired or replacement product will be shipped back to you. 


This ADS Technologies, Inc. product comes with a One (1) year hardware warranty. ADS Technologies, Inc. (ADS) warrants this product against defects in material and workmanship for a period of One (1) year from the 

date of original purchase from ADS or an authorized ADS dealer. This warranty applies only to the original purchase of the product and is not transferable. This warranty does not cover any incompatibilities due to the 

user’s computer, hardware, software or other related system configuration in which the product interfaces. Proof of purchase will be required before any warranty consideration by ADS occurs. This warranty does not 

cover any damage caused by negligence, non-authorized modifications, or parts installed without prior written permission from ADS. This warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident, abuse, or 

misapplication, nor as a result of service to the product by anyone other than ADS. If your ADS product is not in working order, your only recourse is repair or warranty replacement, as described above. UNDER NO 

CIRCUMSTANCES will ADS Technologies, Inc. be liable for consequential damages, including but not limited to any lost savings, lost profits, or any other damages, caused by the use of any ADS Technologies, Inc. 

product or inability to use the product, even if the dealer or ADS Technologies, Inc. has been advised of such liability or other claims. This includes damage to property and, to the extent permitted by law, damages for 

personal injury. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties including implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
