11.2 S7-1500 Motion Control V1
S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
Moving an axis with constant velocity / speed
Proceed as follows to move an axis with constant velocity / speed:
Check the requirements indicated above.
At the parameter "Velocity", specify the velocity / speed, with which the axis should be
Start the "MC_MoveVelocity" job with a positive edge at the parameter "Execute".
The current motion state is indicated in "Busy", "InVelocity" and "Error".
If the "InVelocity" parameter shows the value TRUE, then the setpoint velocity / setpoint
speed was reached. The axis continues moving at this constant velocity. The parameters
"InVelocity" and "Busy" show the value TRUE, until the "MC_MoveVelocity" job is overridden
by another Motion Control job.
Behavior when changing the override
If the velocity / speed is influenced during constant motion by a change in the override
(<TO>.Override.Velocity), then the "InVelocity" parameter is reset during the acceleration or
deceleration. When the newly
calculated velocity / speed is reached ("Velocity" × "Override"
%), then "InVelocity" is reset.
Additional information
An option for the evaluation of the individual status bits can be found in the Evaluating
StatusWord, ErrorWord and WarningWord (Page 175) section.
See also