7.7 Restart of technology objects
S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
Restart of technology objects
After the CPU is switched on, or after technology objects are downloaded into the CPU, the
system automatically initializes the technology objects with the start values from the
technology data blocks. If restart-relevant changes are detected during a reload into the
CPU, a restart of the technology object is automatically performed.
If restart-relevant data have been changed in RUN mode by the user program, then the
technology object must be reinitialized by the user in order for the changes to be used.
If changes in the technology data block should also be retained after the restart of the
technology object, then you must write the changes to the start value in load memory using
the extended instruction "WRIT_DBL".
Restart necessary
A necessary TO restart is indicated at "Technology object > Diagnostics > Status and error
bits > Axis status or Encoder status > Online start value changed", as well as in the tag of
technology object <TO>.StatusWord.X3 (OnlineStartValuesChanged).
Restarting a technology object
A restart of the technology object is triggered by the user by means of the "MC_Reset"
Motion Control instruction, with parameter "Restart" = TRUE.
During a restart, all configuration data of the technology object are loaded from load memory
into work memory. In the process, the actual values in the technology data block are
Note the following during a restart of the technology object:
A restart resets the "Referenced" status of a technology object with incremental actual
values (<TO>.StatusWord.X5 (HomingDone).
While a restart is being performed, the technology object cannot perform any jobs. An
active restart will be indicated under "Technology object > Diagnostics > Status and error
bits > Axis status or Encoder status > Restart active", and in the <TO>.StatusWord.X2
(RestartActive) tag of the technology object.
Motion Control jobs are rejected during a restart with the "Error" = TRUE and
"ErrorID" = 16#800D parameters (job not executable, because a restart is active).
While a restart is being executed, you cannot access the technology data block.
See also