10.6 Positioning axis/synchronous axis technology object
S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
Status limit switch
The following table shows the possibilities for enabling the software and hardware limit
Limit switch
Negative software limit
switch approached
The negative software limit switch was approached.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X15 (SWLimitMinActive))
Positive software limit switch
The positive software limit switch was approached.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X16 (SWLimitMaxActive))
Negative hardware limit
switch approached
The negative hardware limit switch was approached.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X17 (HWLimitMinActive))
Positive hardware limit
switch approached
The positive hardware limit switch was approached or passed.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X18 (HWLimitMaxActive))
Motion status
The following table shows the possible axis motion status values:
Done (no active job)
No motion job is active at the technology object.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X6 (Done))
Homing job
The technology object is executing a homing job from the Motion Control instruction
"MC_Home", or from the axis control panel.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X11 (HomingCommand))
The axis is being moved by a jog mode job from the Motion Control instruction
"MC_MoveJog", or from the axis control panel.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X9 (JogCommand))
Velocity setpoint
A job traverses the axis at the speed setpoint specified in Motion Control instruction
"MC_MoveVelocity" or at the axis control panel.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X10 (VelocityCommand))
Positioning job
The axis is being moved by a positioning job from the Motion Control instructions
"MC_MoveAbsolute", "MC_MoveRelative", or from the axis control panel.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X8 (PositioningCommand))
Constant velocity
The axis is traversing at a constant velocity or is at a standstill.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X12 (ConstantVelocity))
The axis is at a standstill.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X7 (StandStill))
The axis is being accelerated.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X13 (Accelerating))
The axis is being decelerated.
(<TO>.StatusWord.X14 (Decelerating))