Error restart times automation reset time
Factory setting
d 10
Setting range
d 1<->d100 minutes
Error restart times automation reset time: every retry (including the waiting period before retry) will
make the time of fault restart minus 1. The inverter will not restart automatically when the fault
restart time has been decreased to 0. If OU and OC fault don’t happen in the time set by 8-20, the
time of fault restart will set to the time set by 8-14 automatically.
8- 21
Error restart delay time
Factory setting
d 2.0
Setting range
d 1<->d 20.0S
It is the waiting time for fault restart, which means the restart command will be performed after the
time set by this parameter when fault happens.
9 Communication Parameters
Communication address
Factory setting
d 1
Setting range
d 1<->d 247
If AC motor drive is set to RS-485 series communication interface control, each AC motor drive
shall set its individual address in this parameter. And each address in a same connection net shall
be ONLY, shall not be repeated.
Communication transmitting speed
Factory setting
d 1
Setting range
d 0
Baud rate 4800 (data transmitting speed, bit/sec)
d 1
Baud rate 9600 (data transmitting speed, bit/sec)
d 2
Baud rate 14400 (data transmitting speed, bit/sec)
d 3
Baud rate 19200 (data transmitting speed, bit/sec)
d 4
Baud rate 38400 (data transmitting speed, bit/sec)
Parameter in AC motor drive shall be set and modified by inner communication interface (RS-485
series communication interface) for S1100, and operation status of the motor drive shall also be
monitored by this parameter. This parameter is to set communication transmission speed.
Transmitting fault treatment
Factory setting
d 0
Setting range
d 0
Warning and running continuously
d 1
warning and deceleration to stop
d 2
warning and coasting to a stop
d 3
no warning and running continuously
This parameter is used to set the driver state when communication fault occurs.
9- 03