O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
D/AC-2000 Ultra Digital to Analog Converter
Congratulations on the purchase of this precision audio component and thank you for your selection of
Parasound. Your new D/AC-2000 features a state-of-the-art 20 bit D20400A dual digital to analog
converter and custom AES 21 digital interface receiver designed and manufactured by UltraAnalog, Inc. The
D/AC-2000 also incorporates the High Definition Compatible Digital
process decoder
developed by Pacific Microsonics. This decoder performs precise decoding of HDCD encoded recordings
and also functions as a superb digital filter that will enhance the sonic quality of non-HDCD encoded
Please take a few moments to read these instructions so you may fully understand how to maximize the
performance capabilities of your new digital to analog converter.
Unpacking and Placement
Open the carton of your D/AC-2000 carefully and inspect the unit for possible shipping damage. Report any
damage to your dealer immediately. You will find the detachable AC line cord packed separately inside the
Save your plastic bag, inserts, and carton. You may need these later for transporting the D/AC-2000 or for
shipment in the event it ever requires factory service. Record the serial number (on rear panel) here for future
reference: ____________________
Place your D/AC-2000 as close as possible to your digital source. Keep it out of direct sunlight, and away
from heat sources such as a hot air vent or radiator. If you are stacking your components, avoid placing your
D/AC-2000 on top of heat producing components, such as power amplifiers or tube-type preamplifiers.
Keep it as far away from your tuner or receiver as possible to avoid RF interference.
D / A C - 2 0 0 0 U l t r a D i g i t a l / A n a l o g C o n v e r t e r
D / A C - 2 0 0 0 U l t r a D i g i t a l / A n a l o g C o n v e r t e r
P o w e r
P o w e r
P o l a r i t y
P o l a r i t y
I n v e r t
I n v e r t
S a m p l i n g F r e q u e n c y
S a m p l i n g F r e q u e n c y
D e - E m p h a s i s
D e - E m p h a s i s
C o a x i a l
C o a x i a l
S T O p t i c a l
S T O p t i c a l
A E S / E B U
A E S / E B U
4 4 . 1 k H z
4 4 . 1 k H z
4 8 k H z
4 8 k H z
3 2 k H z
3 2 k H z
T o s l i n k
T o s l i n k