GUI reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
Same Connector All Ports / Same Gender All Ports
Assigns the same connector type or gender to all selected physical ports. For some
multi-port calibration types, the port connector types must be equal, e.g. because they
require a Through standard with known characteristics.
Remote command:
Import Cal Kit...
Opens the "Import Calibration Kit" dialog that allows you to import a cal kit file. For
background information, see
Chapter, "Cal kit Files"
Remote command:
Go back to
Step 2: Connectors and Cal Kits
Step 3: SMARTerCal
Allows you to acquire error correction data for every required port (pair) and calibration
standard, plus power correction data from the power meter. The order of the system
error correction and power calibration sweeps is arbitrary; ensure that you always con-
nect the proper equipment.
On "Apply", the R&S
ZNB/ZNBT calculates the system error correction (error terms)
from the measurement data of the standards and uses the power meter result to cor-
rect the absolute receiver powers. Finally it applies the SMARTerCal results to the
active channel.
Cal softtool