Programming examples
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
// Change the display format for the 'Z_trace'. The trace is the active trace
// in channel 3, so it is referenced by the channel suffix 3.
// Update the display
// Update the display
Markers and limit lines...
Programming task:
Display two traces in a single diagram area, use markers to read
results, and perform a limit check.
Important remote control features for this program example
The following command sequence illustrates the structure of the remote commands
discussed in section Basic Remote Control Concepts. In particular it shows that:
1. Traces are referenced by trace names. The active trace of a channel is often refer-
enced by the channel suffix. This simplifies the program syntax, e.g. in the com-
mands for marker settings and for the limit check.
2. Diagrams are referenced by a window suffix
. An additional suffix
in the
commands numbers the dif-
ferent traces in a diagram.
3. The analyzer provides several commands allowing a smooth transition between
remote and manual control.
// 1. Create one channel, two traces, one diagram
// Reset the instrument, creating the default trace Trc1 in channel 1.
// The default measured quantity is the forward transmission S-parameter S21.
// The default format is dB Mag.
// Create a second trace in channel 1, assign the format Phase,
// and display the new trace in the same diagram.
// the trace becomes the active trace but is not displayed
CALCulate1:PARameter:SDEFine 'Trc2', 'S21'
// the trace is referenced by the channel suffix 1
// display the second trace, numbering it the second trace in diagram no. 1
DISPlay:WINDow1:TRACe2:FEED 'Trc2'
// Check the result on the local screen
// Go to local
Basic tasks