Slow Build Valve:
Prevents a surge of high pressure air during machine
start-up. During start-up, air is allowed to enter the system slowly. When the
system air builds enough pressure, the valve shifts and allows full volume
through. If there is a large loss of air in the system (due, for example, to a
leaking hose or a damaged air cylinder) during machine start, pressure in the
system will not build and the valve will not open. The Slow Build Valve should
be adjusted to reach full volume in 2 to 2.5 seconds, as the machine start delay
pays out in 3.5 seconds.
Spring Loaded Ram Lock:
If the machine start delay pays out before the slow
build valve opens fully, the ram will try to fire; however, the lack of pneumatic
pressure will prevent the ram lock from releasing. You must have full air
pressure before the machine start delay pays out and the machine starts to cycle.
Switch, disconnect
: A safety switch that, when turned to the “off” position, cuts
the electrical power to the machine.
Switch, limit
: A mechanical sensor used to detect that an action has been
performed. Part of the control circuit of the machine.
Switch, pressure type
A safety switch that detects the amount of air
pressure being fed to the machine. If the air pressure falls below a certain
amount the machine will shut down.
Switch, proximity:
A sensor that, without making physical contact, detects the
presence of a metal target, within a specified range.
Switch, selector:
An electrical control device that allows the activation of
specific control circuits in the overall machine electrical program. Part of the
control circuit of the machine.
Switch, safety, interlock:
A two-part safety switch that allows the equipment to
function properly when both parts are properly mated. If the two parts are
disconnected (for example, by opening a guard door), power is removed from
the machine.
A device that reduces voltage in the control circuitry.
Pneumatic devices that direct the flow of air to and from other
components (i.e., cylinders). Valves can be controlled electrically or
CE35-T Case Erector
Operations Manual
M-CE35T-2c Horiz Mag