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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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17.1 How to read this chapter
The watchdog timer is identical on all LPC82x parts.
17.2 Features
Internally resets chip if not reloaded during the programmable time-out period.
Optional windowed operation requires reload to occur between a minimum and
maximum time-out period, both programmable.
Optional warning interrupt can be generated at a programmable time prior to
watchdog time-out.
Programmable 24-bit timer with internal fixed pre-scaler.
Selectable time period from 1,024 watchdog clocks (T
4) to over 67
million watchdog clocks (T
4) in increments of 4 watchdog clocks.
“Safe” watchdog operation. Once enabled, requires a hardware reset or a Watchdog
reset to be disabled.
Incorrect feed sequence causes immediate watchdog event if enabled.
The watchdog reload value can optionally be protected such that it can only be
changed after the “warning interrupt” time is reached.
Flag to indicate Watchdog reset.
The Watchdog clock (WDCLK) source is the WatchDog oscillator.
The Watchdog timer can be configured to run in Deep-sleep or Power-down mode.
Debug mode.
17.3 Basic configuration
The WWDT is configured through the following registers:
Power to the register interface (WWDT PCLK clock): In the SYSAHBCLKCTRL
register, set bit 17 in
Enable the WWDT clock source (the watchdog oscillator) in the PDRUNCFG register
). This is the clock source for the timer base.
For waking up from a WWDT interrupt, enable the watchdog interrupt for wake-up in
the STARTERP1 register (
Chapter 17: LPC82x Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT)
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
User manual