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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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25.1 How to read this chapter
for different flash configurations.
25.2 Features
In-System Programming: In-System programming (ISP) is programming or
reprogramming the on-chip flash memory, using the bootloader software and UART
serial port.
In-Application Programming: In-Application (IAP) programming is performing erase
and write operation on the on-chip flash memory, as directed by the end-user
application code.
You can use ISP and IAP when the part resides in the end-user board.
Flash page write and erase supported.
25.3 Basic configuration
To use the IAP calls, enable the IRC and the IRC output in the PDRUNCFG register (see
Table 54 “Power configuration register (PDRUNCFG, address 0x4004 8238) bit
25.4 Pin description
When the ISP entry pin (PIO0_12) is pulled LOW on reset, the part enters ISP mode and
the ISP command handler starts up. In ISP mode, pin PIO0_0 is connected to function
U0_RXD and pin PIO0_4 is connected to function U0_TXD on the USART0 block.
25.5 General description
25.5.1 Flash configuration
Most IAP and ISP commands operate on sectors and specify sector numbers. In addition
a page erase command is supported. The following table shows the correspondence
between page numbers, sector numbers, and memory addresses.
The size of a sector is 1 KB and the size of a page is 64 Byte. One sector contains 16
Chapter 25: LPC82x Flash In-System and In-Application
Programming (ISP and IAP)
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
User manual