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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
338 of 487
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 21: 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
21.6.5 A/D Channel Data Registers 0 to 11
The A/D Channel Data Registers hold the result of the last conversion completed for each
A/D channel. They also include status bits to indicate when a conversion has been
completed, when a data overrun has occurred, and where the most recent conversion fits
relative to the range dictated by the high and low threshold registers.
Results of A/D conversion can be read in one of two ways. One is to use the A/D Global
Data Registers for each of the sequences to read data from the ADC at the end of each
A/D conversion. Another is to use these individual A/D Channel Data Registers, typically
after the entire sequence has completed. It is recommended to use one method
consistently for a given conversion sequence.
The method to be employed for each sequence should be reflected in the
MODE bit in the corresponding SEQ_CTRL register since this will impact interrupt and
overrun flag generation.
The information presented in the DAT registers always pertains to the most recent
conversion completed on that channel regardless of what sequence requested the
conversion or which trigger caused it.
The OVERRUN fields for each channel are also replicated in the FLAGS register.
These bits contain the channel from which the RESULT bits were converted (e.g.
0b0000 identifies channel 0, 0b0001 channel 1...).
This bit is set if a new conversion result is loaded into the RESULT field before a
previous result has been read - i.e. while the DATAVALID bit is set. This bit is
cleared, along with the DATAVALID bit, whenever this register is read.
This bit will contribute to an overrun interrupt request if the MODE bit (in
SEQB_CTRL) for the corresponding sequence is set to 0 (and if the overrun
interrupt is enabled).
This bit is set to 1 at the end of each conversion when a new result is loaded into
the RESULT field. It is cleared whenever this register is read.
This bit will cause a conversion-complete interrupt for the corresponding sequence
if the MODE bit (in SEQB_CTRL) for that sequence is set to 0 (and if the interrupt is
Table 284. A/D Sequence B Global Data Register (SEQB_GDAT, address 0x4001 C014) bit description