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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
427 of 487
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 29: LPC82x ROM API I2C driver routines
To initiate a master mode write/read the I2C_PARAM has to be setup. The I2C_PARAM is
a structure with various variables needed by the I2C ROM Driver to operate correctly. The
structure contains the following:
Number of bytes to be transmitted.
Number of bytes to be receive.
Pointer to the transmit buffer.
Pointer to the receive buffer.
Pointer to callback function.
Stop flag.
The RESULT structure contains the results after the function executes. The structure
contains the following:
Number of bytes transmitted.
Number of bytes received.
The number of bytes transmitted will be updated for i2c_master_transmit_intr()
and i2c_master_transmit_poll(). The number of bytes received will only be update on
i2c_master_receive_poll(), i2c_master_receive_intr(), i2c_master_tx_rx_poll(), and
In all the master mode routines, the transmit buffer’s first byte must be the slave address
with the R/W bit set to “0”. To enable a master read, the receive buffer’s first byte must be
the slave address with the R/W bit set to “1”.
The following conditions must be fulfilled to use the I2C driver routines in master mode:
For 7-bit addressing, the first byte of the send buffer must have the slave address in
the most significant 7 bits and the least significant (R/W) bit = 0. Example: Slave
address 0x53, first byte is 0xA6.
For 7-bit addressing, the first byte of the receive buffer must have the slave address in
the most significant 7 bits and the least significant (R/W) bit = 1. Example: Slave Addr
0x53, first byte 0xA7.
For 10-bit address, the first byte of the transmit buffer must have the slave address
most significant 2 bits with the (R/W) bit =0. The second byte must contain the
remaining 8-bit of the slave address.
For 10-bit address, the first byte of the receive buffer must have the slave address
most significant 2 bits with the (R/W) bit =1. The second byte must contain the
remaining 8-bit of the slave address.
The number of bytes to be transmitted should include the first byte of the buffer which
is the slave address byte. Example: 2 data bytes + 7-bit slave addr = 3.
The application program must enable I2C interrupts. When I2C interrupt occurs, the
i2c_isr_handler function must be called from the application program.
When using the interrupt function calls, the callback functions must be define. Upon the
completion of a read/write as specified by the PARAM structure, the callback functions will
be invoked.