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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
413 of 487
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 28: LPC82x SPI API ROM driver routines
// Enable DMA for SPI RX first. For RX only or TX_RX, only callback_rxd is
// needed.
if (driver->callback_rxd != NULL) {
chn.callback_func_pt = driver->callback_rxd; //set callback function
tsk.ch_num = dma_cfg->dma_rxd_num;
tsk.data_type = DMA_8_BIT | DMA_DST_INC_1;
// peripheral to memory
tsk.src = (uint32_t)&lspi->RXDAT;
tsk.dst = (uint32_t)driver->buff tsk.data_length;
tsk.task_addr = NULL; // for task head, no momery is needed.
error_code = pDmaApi->dma_init((DMA_HANDLE_T*)dma_cfg->dma_handle, &chn,
if ( error_code != LPC_OK )
return ( error_code );
tsk.ch_num = dma_cfg->dma_txd_num;
tsk.data_type = DMA_8_BIT | DMA_SRC_INC_1;
// memory to peripheral
tsk.src = (uint32_t)driver->buff tsk.data_length;
tsk.dst = (uint32_t)&lspi->TXDAT;
tsk.task_addr = NULL; // for task head, no momery is needed.
error_code = pDmaApi->dma_init((DMA_HANDLE_T*)dma_cfg->dma_handle, &chn,
return( error_code ); //init spi dma channel
11. Define the receive callback function. This function is called when the DMA transfer
has finished and sets the EOT bit to one in the SP TXDATCTL register (see
) to set the SSEL signal to HIGH.
void receive_callback( uint32_t err_code, uint32_t n ) {
if (err_code != LPC_OK)
// set the EOT flag in the TXCTL register
if ( lspi->CFG & CFG_MASTER )
receive_tag = 1;
12. DMA transmits data. Slave sends some data back to the DMA.
receive_tag = 0;
pSpiApi->spi_master_transfer(spi_handle, ¶m);
while(!receivetag); //wait for receive tag to be set