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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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10.1 How to read this chapter
The pin interrupt generator and the pattern match engine are available on all LPC82x
10.2 Features
Pin interrupts
Up to eight pins can be selected from all GPIO pins as edge- or level-sensitive
interrupt requests. Each request creates a separate interrupt in the NVIC.
Edge-sensitive interrupt pins can interrupt on rising or falling edges or both.
Level-sensitive interrupt pins can be HIGH- or LOW-active.
Pattern match engine
Up to eight pins can be selected from all GPIO pins to contribute to a boolean
expression. The boolean expression consists of specified levels and/or transitions
on various combinations of these pins.
Each bit slice minterm (product term) comprising the specified boolean expression
can generate its own, dedicated interrupt request.
Any occurrence of a pattern match can be programmed to also generate an RXEV
notification to the ARM CPU. The RXEV signal can be connected to a pin.
Pattern match can be used, in conjunction with software, to create complex state
machines based on pin inputs.
10.3 Basic configuration
Pin interrupts:
Select up to eight external interrupt pins from all GPIO port pins in the SYSCON
block (
). The pin selection process is the same for pin interrupts and the
pattern match engine. The two features are mutually exclusive.
Enable the clock to the pin interrupt register block in the SYSAHBCLKCTRL
register (
, bit 6).
If you want to use the pin interrupts to wake up the part from deep-sleep mode or
power-down mode, enable the pin interrupt wake-up feature in the STARTERP0
register (
Each selected pin interrupt is assigned to one interrupt in the NVIC (interrupts #24
to #31 for pin interrupts 0 to 7).
Pattern match engine:
Select up to eight external pins from all GPIO port pins in the SYSCON block
). The pin selection process is the same for pin interrupts and the pattern
match engine. The two features are mutually exclusive.
Chapter 10: LPC82x Pin interrupts/pattern match engine
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
User manual