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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
396 of 487
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 26: LPC82x ROM API Power profiles Invalid frequency selection (system clock divider restrictions)
command[0] = 12000;
command[1] = 40;
command[2] = CPU_FREQ_LTE;
command[3] = 0;
LPC_PWRD_API->set_pll(command, result);
The above code specifies a 12 MHz PLL input clock, a system clock of no more than
40 kHz and no time-out while waiting for the PLL to lock. Since the maximum divider value
for the system clock is 255 and running at 40 kHz would need a divide by value of 300,
set_pll returns PLL_INVALID_FREQ in result[0] and 12000 in result[1] without changing
the PLL settings. Exact solution cannot be found (PLL)
command[0] = 12000;
command[1] = 25000;
command[2] = CPU_FREQ_EQU;
command[3] = 0;
LPC_PWRD_API->set_pll(command, result);
The above code specifies a 12 MHz PLL input clock and a system clock of exactly
25 MHz. The application was ready to infinitely wait for the PLL to lock. Since there is no
valid PLL setup within earlier mentioned restrictions, set_pll returns
PLL_FREQ_NOT_FOUND in result[0] and 12000 in result[1] without changing the PLL
settings. System clock less than or equal to the expected value
command[0] = 12000;
command[1] = 25000;
command[2] = CPU_FREQ_LTE;
command[3] = 0;
LPC_PWRD_API->set_pll(command, result);
The above code specifies a 12 MHz PLL input clock, a system clock of no more than
25 MHz and no locking time-out. set_pll returns PLL_CMD_SUCCESS in result[0] and
24000 in result[1]. The new system clock is 24 MHz. System clock greater than or equal to the expected value
command[0] = 12000;
command[1] = 20000;
command[2] = CPU_FREQ_GTE;
command[3] = 0;
LPC_PWRD_API->set_pll(command, result);
The above code specifies a 12 MHz PLL input clock, a system clock of at least 20 MHz
and no locking time-out. set_pll returns PLL_CMD_SUCCESS in result[0] and 24000 in
result[1]. The new system clock is 24 MHz.