NSC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Lange Wand 3
B01050 B01060 Operating Installation Manual Solution F1 20130814.doc
33719 Bielefeld
Version S040A13.08
The push button "cancel" (F1) leads to the normal
status indication of the FCP.
The push button "End user" (F3) is for entering
the end user area.
The push button "Enter" (F4) selects (activates) the
function which is marked by a black background.
Instead you can also select the function by pressing
the no. left in front of the functions (here: 1 – 8).
Test mode
1. Detector test
2. Manual Control
3. Simulation
4. Revision
Cancel Enter
Main menu: Test functions
As soon as this menu is selected the FCP is in the
service mode. This will be indicated by the green
LED "Service". After leaving this menu the green
LED is off.
1. The function "Detector test" can be used to
set individual detectors in alarm condition
Jump to Menu
2. "Manual Control" means manual controlling
of the outputs. With a simple press on a
push button an output can be activated
Jump to Menu
3. "Simulation" can be used to set individual
detectors in alarm condition without
connected detectors (by software). This is
useful for testing the panel outputs /
indications as long as the panel is not
Jump to Menu
4. "Revision" means a "One-Man-Test
procedure" to set smoke and heat detectors
in alarm by using special test equipment.
During this procedure the FCP resets all
alarms on the relevant zones automatically
after a certain time
Jump to Menu
Autom. Controlling
1. Output 5. Input module
2. Relay 6. Input
3. Power output 7. Monitored Input
4. Output module
Cancel Enter
Main menu: Automatic Controlling
The following options can be selected :
1. Configuration of internal OC outputs (on
main board and loop cards)
Jump to
2. Configuration of 4 internal relays on main
Jump to Menu
3. Configuration of 3 internal monitored power
outputs on main board
Jump to Menu
4. Configuration of output modules on the loops
Jump to Menu
5. Configuration of input modules on the loops
Jump to Menu
6. Configuration of 8 internal digital inputs on
main board
Jump to Menu
7. Configuration of 2 internal monitored
conventional inputs on main board
to Menu
Alarm configurat.
1. Zones 5. Timer program
2. Detector settings 6. Delay
3. Zone settings 7. Zone LEDs
4. Alarm coincidences
Cancel Enter
Main menu: Alarm configuration
The following options can be selected :
1. Sub menu "Zones" to configure detectors
into zones
Jump to Menu
2. Sub menu "Detector settings" to configure
the detectors. E.g. day and night sensitivity,
multi sensor modes, selecting timer
programs for detectors, delay and pre-alarm