NSC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Lange Wand 3
B01050 B01060 Operating Installation Manual Solution F1 20130814.doc
33719 Bielefeld
Version S040A13.08
always preset to "Alarm” (line 3 of the LC module). If
you want to change it please press F2 ("modify")
Jump to Menu
Otherwise confirm the code by pressing F3 ("OK").
The number of the FCP is always 1 besides there is a
network with several FCP interlinked.
Then type the zone(s) and detector(s) which have to
be in alarm to activate this output module. If you want
to select whole zone(s) (and no individual detectors)
leave the detector = 000. Please confirm every input
by "OK".
Pay attention to the fact that the zone(s) and
detector(s) can be configured logical "AND", "OR” or
"AND NOT". That means (in case of AND) that all
zones or detectors must be in alarm simultaneously to
activate the output.
You can change between "AND", "OR” or "AND
NOT" by F3. Then please press F4 ("save") to save
the new cause and effect event.
Codes for outputs
Page 1
1. Alarm 5. Switch off
2. Pre alarm 6. Reset FC Panel
3. Main alarm 7. Fault power sup.
4. Fault 8. Mains fault
Cancel more Enter
Page 2
1.Alarm autom. Det. 5. Delay activated
2.Alarm MCP 6. Tran.Dev. active
3.KDB alarm 7. Tran.Dev. disabl.
4.KDB unlocked 8. 2.Alarm
Cancel more Enter
Page 3
1.Techn. Alarm. 5.Timer program
2.KDB output active
Cancel more Enter
Event codes
Please select desired code by input of corresponding
number or by using arrow keys. Please confirm by
pressing F4 ("Enter").
For codes "Alarm", "Pre alarm", "Main alarm",
"Fault", "Switch off" and "Techn. Alarm"
additionally zone and detector number can be put in.
By code "Mains fault" i.e. the heater of the KDB can
be switched of if it is supplied by FCP.
By code 1 and 2 outputs can be activated to verify the
alarm source.
Further codes for status messages are available.
For code "2. Alarm" a zone number can be typed in.
By this code a cross detection can be realized to
activate an output if main alarm is additionally delayed
by reaction/investigation time.
On events "Techn.Alarm", "KDB output active",
"Test alarm" and "Activation" the output reacts
according the messages of the FCP.
A special function is available by the code "Timer
program". Outputs can be activated / deactivated by
any of the available 16 timer programs automatically.