NSC Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
Lange Wand 3
B01050 B01060 Operating Installation Manual Solution F1 20130814.doc
33719 Bielefeld
Version S040A13.08
Manual Controlling
1. Output
2. Relay
3. Power Output
4. Output module
Cancel Enter
Menu "Manual Controlling"
Please select the kind of output you want to activate
manually (1-4). The possibilities are :
1. "Output" means internal OC-outputs on main
board and loop cards
Jump to Menu
2. "Relay" means 4 internal dry contact relays
on main board
Jump to Menu
3. "Power Output" means 3 internal monitored
power outputs 24V / 500 mA on main board
Jump to Menu
4. "Output module" means loop modules
Jump to Menu
Simulation Status
Zone : 5 Normal
Detect. : 33
Alarm unset (outputs inactive) !
Cancel Alarm set
Menu "Simulation"
The purpose of the menu "Simulation" is to simulate
alarm conditions of certain addressable detectors or
certain conventional zones without having any
connected. The sense is to test the
configuration before installation of the panel.
Operating for
a) addressable detector
Please type the Zone and the Detector (Detector
number, not physically address) and confirm every
line by "OK”.
b) conventional zone
Please type the Zone and as "Detector" type a "1"
and confirm every line by "OK".
The push button F4 ("set") can be used to switch the
function of the outputs: "set" means the outputs will
be activated in case of a simulated alarm and "unset"
means the outputs will not be activated.
The test alarm will be activated by F2 ("Alarm") and
the LC module displays "ALARM"
The alarm has to be reset by "Reset BMZ"
Press cancel to leave this menu.
Revision Status
from zone : 2 Normal
to zone : 4 Normal
Cancel On Off
Menu "Revision"
The revision mode can be used to check the
detectors by detector test equipment (e.g. Solo test
equipment). When the detector is activated by the test
equipment the alarm is displayed at the FCP and
reset automatically after 30 sec.
Please type in the number of the zones which shall be
investigated by the revision mode. Every line has to
be confirmed by "OK".
Please activate the revision mode for the selected
zones by F2 ("on"). Pay attention: the zones in
revision will be displayed at the panel as "disabled".
The alarm of such a zone will be displayed in the LC
module as "T E S T A L A R M"
After having finished the revision do not forget to
switch off the revision mode by F3 ("Off")
because an alarm of these zones will not be
transmitted to the fire brigade.