Service Manual – SW5500, FLOORTEC R 985
29 - Engine System, LPG
CO Regulation (continues)
– 5 3 Place the sweeper ignition key on 1, wait for opening the safety valve and then slowly aspirate with
the syringe to open the regulator’s membrane Hold in position during next phase
– 5 4 Check the LPG output pressure and set it to +15 mmH2O driving the socket set screw on the LPG
pressure regulator (remove the alluminium plug first (F) paying attention to don’t demage it).
Figure 15:
– 5 5 Disconnect the syringe, the instrument and restore the connections with the carburetor
– 5 6 Start engine and repeat the operation in point 5
– 5 7 If at a value of CO=3,5 corresponds still a higher temperature as indicated, increase the gas
delivery pressure screwing on the socket set screw on the LPG pressure regulator, so as to decrease the
exhaust gas temperature to the indicated level
– 5 8 Go back to point 5
– 5 9 Continue in this way by repeating steps 5 6, 5 7 and 5 8 until the CO value and the exhaust
temperature are in the indicated range
When the setting is correct restore the cap on set screw of the flow regulator.
7 Plug the regulator with the dedicated alluminium plug