Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Measurement unit changes only apply to the web interface and command line interface.
Setting your own preferences does not change the default measurement units. See
Setting Default Measurement Units
page 79).
To select your preferred measurement units in User Preferences:
Select User Management > User Preferences.
The User Preferences page appears.
Make changes as desired.
Temperature Unit
Preferred units for temperatures --
(Celsius) or
Length Unit
Preferred units for length or height -- Meter or Feet.
Pressure Unit
Preferred units for pressure -- Pascal or Psi.
Pascal = one newton per square meter
Psi = pounds per square inch
Click Save.
Setting Default Measurement Units
Default measurement units are applied to all PDU user interfaces across all users, including users accessing the PDU via
external authentication servers. For a list of affected user interfaces, see
User Interfaces Showing Default Units
80). The front panel display also shows the default measurement units.
Note: The preferred measurement units set by any individual user or by the administrator on a per-user basis will override
the default units in the web interface and command line interface. See Setting Your Preferred Measurement Units (on page
78) or Creating Users (on page 71).
To set up default user preferences:
Select User Management > Default Preferences.
The Default Preferences page appears.
Make changes as desired.
Temperature Unit
Preferred units for temperatures --
(Celsius) or
Length Unit
Preferred units for length or height -- Meter or Feet.