Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Event types
Radio buttons
Function enabled or disabled
Enabled: The PDU takes the action only when the chosen function is enabled.
Disabled: The PDU takes the action only when the chosen function is disabled.
Both: The PDU takes the action when the chosen function is either enabled or
Restricted service agreement
Accepted: The PDU takes the action only when the specified user accepts the
restricted service agreement.
Declined: The PDU takes the action only when the specified user rejects the
restricted service agreement.
Both: The PDU takes the action both when the specified user accepts or rejects
the restricted service agreement.
Component monitoring event
Monitoring started: The PDU takes the action only when the monitoring of any
specified component starts.
Monitoring stopped: The PDU takes the action only when the monitoring of any
specified component stops.
Both: The PDU takes the action when the monitoring of any specified
component starts or stops.
Component reachability
Unreachable: The PDU takes the action only when any specified component
becomes inaccessible.
Reachable: The PDU takes the action only when any specified component
becomes accessible.
Both: The PDU takes the action when any specified component becomes either
inaccessible or accessible.
+12V Supply 1 Status
Available radio buttons include "Fault," "Ok" and "Both."
Fault: The PDU takes the action only when the selected 12V power supply to
the controller enters the fault state.
Ok: The PDU takes the action only when when the selected 12V power supply
to the controller enters the OK state.
Both: The PDU takes the action whenever the selected 12 power supply's status